Saturday, 22 June 2013

#3 Personal Statements!

Here are 10 top tips for writing your personal statement! They aren't in any particular order, but I hope they help! Let me know if you want to ask any other questions :)

1- Start with a unique statement about yourself or your course – DON’T start with “from a young age I have always been passionate about _____” it sounds dull and robotic!

2- Bear in mind the word/character count. It is not your choice weather they count characters or words, it’s whichever it reaches first! So be prepared to reword and cut!

3- Put in extra-curricular but not too much – otherwise it will seem like you have too many interests, no focus and no time to study! Brain storm them and decide what qualities they give you and include the most relevant ones, say what you have gained from them and how this has changed you and may contribute to your future e.g. if you help out with young children at a club, it may have made you decide you want to be a teacher or a children’s nurse!

4- Re-draft like hell, make use of your head of year, form teachers, subject teachers, family and friends as all are valuable! (I did 7 drafts – I think my head of year got rather sick of them!But it’s their job to help you!)

5- Don't listen to people who tell you the universities don't read them - make it as good as possible, just in case! Most universities probably do read them!

6- Include things which make you seem like you will be a valuable member of university society - e.g I added that I contribute to a local magazine in articles, design and photography, as well as organising events through the same company – this suggests I may become a member of relevant societies and bring skills to the university.

7- Yep, embellish a bit to stand out, but don't lie. – If you are going for interview, you need to know your PS inside out!

8- Show interest in particular areas of your subject. Don’t align it to just one course if you can help it, so make sure what you’re talking about is covered in all of the courses you’re applying to, otherwise they will wonder why you are applying to them when they don’t offer it!

9- Say what you look forward to/ where you hope to do, this shows passion (no! Not the P word! Try interest, intrigued by and various alternatives! PASSION is a last resort!) and commitment to your subject, studying and future – they want successful alumni!

10- Show how you have already expanded your interest in the subject you are going to study e.g. magazines, TV, Books, clubs, work experience.

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